Turning a Negative into a POSITIVE…

Nothing warms my heart like a throwback picture.

Especially when I’m on Facebook and the memories pop up in my news feed.  Do you feel me?  One photograph can bring so many emotions to the surface, and unlock your mental time capsule.

My Mom was cleaning her basement and found an abundance of pictures.  I went through the sleeves of photos one by one that were stuck together, but thank God they were not damaged.  There were not only pictures in the albums, but plenty of negatives as well.  Okay, for my younger crowd…

Before the cool thing that we identify with called cell phones or digital cameras, we had polaroid, and 35mm cameras.  When developed they would produce a film in order to keep for the purpose of making additional copies. **whispers to my mom, “did I miss anything?”**


This picture.  My goodness.  I instantly thought about my father working 1st shift, and never denying overtime.  My mother who worked long hours as a retail manager, and a grandmother that did what she could to fill the void.  I can say that I never thought that my parents loved me any less because they worked, because my grandmother was ALWAYS there!

I never wondered about the woman that existed before me.  I have the memories of my grandmother being sick on a few occasions, but her strength is something I always admired.  I’ve discussed in previous posts how I would observe her with her head down while family was around, and how I was convinced that she was praying for everyone in the room.

I’ve had students tell me on a regular basis, “Ms. RJ, why are you always in a good mood?’

One day, I instantly thought of my grandmother.  I never witnessed my grandmother speak anything negative over her life, it was always positive.  In my eyes, she was perfect.  And I will always have that image of her.

If I can leave you with one thing today is that; the next generation is always watching.  I remember these priceless moments with my Granny, and her presence played a huge part in the person that I am today.

Speak Life, and try your best to Live Right.



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